Energy Healing, Lunar Living, Crystals & Nothin’ But Good Vibes!

Hi I’m Desreen,

I’m a leopard-print loving, moon obsessed Virgo, and 6-2 Manifesting Generator from Sutton Coldfield in the West Midlands, UK, and the sole owner, soulful creator and soul healer of Arawa Moon.

My mission is to help you and women like you to rise! To raise your vibe, to discover and overcome the things emotionally, spiritually and energetically that are holding you back. To support you in your healing and uncover who you truly want to be through Quantum Healing (deep, subconscious healing) , Lunar Healing (twice monthly moon circles) , crystals and more, so that you can live comfortably in your truth, and in a life that is more, balanced, more peaceful, more fulfilled, and more fun!

I’m an overthinker, people pleaser and perfectionist by nature, I have fought through depression, anxiety and some really tough shit (PTSD anyone?!).  for most of my life. 4 years ago I made the decision to stop! And to work on myself, for myself through investing in therapy, coaching and healing modalities such as EFT and Reiki, and then to retrain to deliver some of these myself. Boy has it been enlightening! It is through my awakening that I stepped into my power, and now understand and own my truth and what I'm here to do.

And that is to help you to do the same!

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