Experience deeper, higher vibration energy healing, to unlock your true potential with personalised to you, intuitive quantum energy healing with Reiki from the comfort of your own sacred space.
You’ve been brought here for a reason…
Perhaps you need a moment of calm, your stress levels lowered, those niggling pains you have - gone, those voices of doubt, those dementors that leave you feeling low - silenced.
You yearn for a life where you know your worth, you have boundaries in place, where you have so much to be grateful for, you are a magnet for joy, where you are driven to achieve, where you are THRIVING, not simply surviving.
It encompasses all styles of Reiki and vibrates at 5D+ (traditional styles of reiki vibrate at 3D-4D) , and heals not only at a conscious level, but at a subconscious and cellular level, enabling you to discover and tackle the root cause of the issues you’re facing, rather than just the symptoms.
This healing is available in 30 or 60 minute 121 sessions, and is delivered via distance healing. Through the session I will use methods to help identify energetic imbalances within your energy body (including your chakras) .
Holding space for your healing, this intuitive and powerful modality will balance your energies and clear any blockages in your energy body helping you to heal at a subconscious and cellular level.
As a Master of Quantum Healing with Reiki, I personalise your session to provide a deep and exclusive experience just for you.
I focus on chakras that are connected to your intuition, anxieties, thought patterns, fears, unresolved memories, repressed emotions, habits, and so much more.
As a bonus, following the session I will send you a summary of your session, and will pass on any guidance that came through to help you with your next steps.
All you have to do is set aside some well deserved time for yourself, and make yourself comfortable.
Head to FAQs below to find out more.
Hi There! I’m Desreen!
Sole owner, soulful creator and soul healer of Arawa Moon.
I’m a leopard-print loving Virgo, and 6-2 Manifesting Generator from Sutton Coldfield in the West Midlands, UK.
I’m an overthinker, a recovering people pleaser and a frustrating perfectionist by nature, I have fought through depression, anxiety and some really tough shit (PTSD anyone!). for most of my life. But in late 2020 I made the decision to stop! And to work on myself, for myself through investing in therapy, coaching and healing modalities such as EFT and Reiki, and boy has it been enlightening! It is through my awakening that I stepped into my power, and now understand and own my truth and what I'm here to do.
My mission is to help you and women like you to rise! To raise your vibe, to discover and overcome the things emotionally, spiritually and energetically that are holding you back. To support you in your healing and uncover who you truly want to be through Quantum Healing with Reiki (deep, subconscious healing) , Lunar Healing (Group Healing & Meditation) and my collection of Reiki-infused crystals and creations (beautiful joys) , so that you can live comfortably in your truth, and in a life that is more, balanced, more peaceful, more fulfilled, and more fun!
I can’t wait to hold space for you, lovely!
It is a powerful yet gentle form of energy healing that promotes energetic, emotional and physical well being. The energy is drawn from source to your own energy field to promote your body's natural ability to heal for your best and highest good.
Quantum Healing is precise in treating imbalances from deep within the subconscious-out; by using individual healing frequencies to achieve a sense of reprogramming.
Anyone and everyone who wishes to see improvement in overall emotional. mental and physical well-being!
Age is no limit as the healing will only ever work to your highest good. The only thing needed is consent (the openness to receive) and a desire to elevate all areas of life!
The benefits of Quantum Healing are limitless but common side effects reported by clients include:**
Reduction of symptoms experienced by those suffering with anxiety & depression
A deeper sense of calm and relaxation
Improvement in mental functioning including focus, memory retention, clarity of thought
Reduction of stress, and a increased ability to handle stress triggers
Improvement in self awareness and self esteem. Insecurities lessened
Improvement in personal relationships and ability to connect with others
Increased intuition and a deeper connection to self and source
Reduction in fatigue
Improved sleep patterns, periods of rest
A lessening of symptoms experienced by those with insomnia
Increased vitality, zest for life and sense of self
Discovery of ones spiritual path
Support in resolving deep emotional issues such as deep seeded anger, hate, sadness, and emotional traumas
Relief from physical pains
A reduction in symptoms experienced by those suffering with conditions such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Fibromyalgia
Resolution of emotional and spiritual matters including past abuse
Successful manifestation of goals and desires
Resolution of Imbalances in sexual matters
Overcoming smoking & drug use
& much more
** Number of sessions required varies based on individual, condition, and consistency in applying personal maintenance routine.
Energy is fast. Just like a light turning on or WiFi connecting and following you where you are. You do not have to be in the same room as someone to energetically affect them. That’s the power of the quantum field.
Healing information and healing energy moves fast. So you can be anywhere in the world and receive this healing.
Distance healing works according to the Hermetic Law of Similarity, which holds that we are all connected, as we are all energy matter and part of a larger whole. As such, invoking this law during a distance Quantum Healing session allows me, as your practitioner, to link to the energy field of the recipient (you).
Distance energy healing is just as great as in person. Since energy is not tied to time or space, you can receive a high quality healing anywhere around the world.
Just as we accept the fact that Wi-Fi, telephones and radio exist; we should be able to accept the idea that Reiki can work over distance. It is the same principle, one only needs to connect to the right frequency, and this is the part that I play in the formula.
I have been intuitively performing distance healing and focusing on the chakras and the body’s energy field, as a Master of Quantum Healing with Reiki, since Autumn 2022.
My process is one that is highly intuitive process and consequently, there are times where spiritual guidance is received (and passed on to you) to support you in your journey.
My process is not a cut and run, I maintain contact with you in the period following your session, so that you can receive further support should you need it, whilst the energy integrates.
As part of the booking process, you will be required to complete a form for you to complete on which you will have space to detail any concerns or areas of focus.
This will give me a starting point on how best I can support you. After that, and during the session I will be guided by the quantum healing energy and your own energy body.
Group sessions are 60 minutes long and are delivered via distance healing.
The healing power is unchanged with a group session. I'll call in your energy as a collective (group) and I set the intentions for the highest and best good for each individual to receive exactly what they need. I do the energy healing session from my home during the designated time, as I feel guided for the highest and best good of all involved. Before I disconnect from the groups energy, I express gratitude and then send everyone into love and light.
An email will be sent following the session with some post session tips.
You don't need to do anything other than be open to receive.
Absolutely not! As the practitioner I will connect to the energy of each person in the collective (group). Whilst I connect to the energy of each individual, individuals energies are never mixed together. You will never feel the energy of others who are also in the group Quantum Healing session.
Once you book your session you will receive an email confirmation with information and guidance to get the most out of the session. Follow the steps outlined and that’s it. I take the reins from there.
After I complete your healing session, I will email you tips for post session healing. It's important that you read through these and practice some self care.
Within 3-5 days, I will send you an email summarising your session as well as everything I saw, heard, felt and experienced, along with some tips to get the most benefit from the healing. Quantum Healing can run through your body for up to 48 hours post session and you can feel the benefits/effect for up to 7 days afterward so reading through the email is important.
I will check in with you within 2-4 days after the healing session via email to see how you’re doing and if there’s anything I can help you with. Of course, my ‘door’ is always open if you have any questions or want to share something with me!
Other than making sure your consent form is completed and sent, there’s nothing you need to do other than be open to receive!
So sit back and relax! Though the session will be performed at the time and date specified at booking, there is nothing you need to do. It can be helpful to allow time and space to relax a few hours around the session, but it's not necessary. I need nothing from you but your willingness to receive.
I will perform the session privately in my own home and you will receive an email summary of everything I did for you in terms of healing, along with any channelled messages that came through or experiences I had with your specific energy when the session is complete .
I would encourage you to take the time, as we can always benefit from a moment of pausing. BUT, from the perspective of the healing the stillness isn’t necessary.
If you have something going on during the time of your 1:1 session it’s really not a problem!
One of the beauties of this energy healing method is that there's no call you have to be on, no video chat or nothing in particular you need to do. You can be kicking back and relaxing, working, cooking, running errands, tending to kids or family, or anything that life brings! You will always benefit from the healing no matter what you're doing.
Quantum Healing energy is channelled for your best and highest good, so the length of the session can continue well after I end your session, from a few hours or even up to a few days later!
Its important to note that everybody experiences this healing differently. Some have serenely beautiful experiences with Quantum Healing feeling an instant extra sense of peace, calm, and clarity. Some even experience flashes of insight, ideas, physical tingling, and/or extra energy during or after the session. Others can experience some (unlikely) light detox-type symptoms such as headaches, nausea, deep waves of emotion, and more. Whatever you experience is unique to you, not good or bad, simply information.
It's recommended to set a personal intention before the session that you will receive the best results possible. If any emotions or symptoms do come up, know that they are signs of release and allow them to pass through without fear, frustration, or judgement. The release is a good thing, so ease into it and allow it to flow through and out!
Upon purchase, you will receive an email reminding you of the information provided in this page and confirming your time, date, and participation in this beautiful healing experience!
I will also send you a follow up email to share with you the experience that took place as well as tips for post healing session. You will receive the pdf of everything I did for you as well as anything I saw, heard, felt and experienced via email within 3 business days typically. Remember this is unique to you and your journey. No two sessions are ever the same!