Navigating Eclipse Season and Mercury Retrograde: Embracing Transformation and Alignment

As we enter a profound celestial dance, marked by tonight's Full Moon Eclipse and the impending Mercury Retrograde starting on April 1st, we find ourselves at the threshold of powerful cosmic energies. Eclipses and retrogrades often evoke fear and uncertainty, but with mindful awareness and intentional practices, we can harness their transformative potential and align with the flow of the universe.

Understanding Eclipses and Retrogrades:

Eclipses: Eclipses occur when the Earth, Sun, and Moon align, casting shadows that symbolise powerful portals of change and transformation. Lunar eclipses, like tonight's Full Moon Eclipse, illuminate our emotional landscapes, urging us to release what no longer serves us. Solar eclipses, on the other hand, herald new beginnings and opportunities for growth.

Mercury Retrograde: Mercury Retrograde occurs when the planet Mercury appears to move backward in its orbit, disrupting communication, technology, and travel. Despite its notorious reputation, Mercury Retrograde offers a chance for reflection, revision, and realignment. It invites us to slow down, reassess our plans, and embrace the unexpected with grace.

Embracing Transformation:

Release and Renewal: Use tonight's Full Moon Eclipse as an opportunity to release emotional baggage, old patterns, and limiting beliefs. Engage in rituals such as journaling, meditation, or burning ceremonies to symbolically let go and make space for new beginnings.

Reflect and Realign: As Mercury Retrograde approaches, take time to reflect on your goals, intentions, and communication patterns. Review past decisions, tie up loose ends, and prepare for a period of introspection and recalibration.

Tips and Practices:

Stay Grounded: Grounding practices such as spending time in nature, yoga, or mindfulness meditation can help anchor you amidst the swirling energies of eclipse season and Mercury Retrograde.

Communicate Mindfully: During Mercury Retrograde, practice patience, clarity, and compassion in your communication. Double-check emails, contracts, and travel plans to avoid misunderstandings.

Embrace Flexibility: Remain open to the unexpected twists and turns that may arise during this time. Cultivate flexibility and adaptability, knowing that change is often a catalyst for growth and evolution.

Quantum Healing: Add a session of Quantum Healing to your practices, to help you physically, mentally and emotionally relax, keep your energy centres balanced and to enhance your transformative efforts.

Rituals for Alignment:

Full Moon Release: Perform a releasing ritual during the Full Moon Eclipse, whether it's journaling, or writing down what you wish to let go of and burning the paper, or bathing in moonlight while visualising release and renewal.

New Moon Intentions: Set clear intentions during the New Moon Solar Eclipse to harness its transformative energy. Visualise your desires with clarity and conviction, trusting in the universe to support your manifestations.

My Lunar Healing sessions are the perfect addition to your Full and New Moon rituals. We meet as a group on Zoom where, I guide you through each moon, with meditations, visualisations, oracle cards, journaling and Quantum Healing!


As we embark on this journey through eclipse season and Mercury Retrograde, remember that these cosmic events are not obstacles but opportunities for growth, evolution, and alignment. By embracing transformation, practicing mindfulness, and honoring the rhythms of the cosmos, we can navigate through this period with grace and wisdom, emerging stronger and more aligned with our true selves.

May this eclipse season and Mercury Retrograde be a time of profound inner transformation and alignment with your highest potential.

With cosmic blessings,



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